You recieved some good advice here. I will go after that I missed the memorial for 10 years just to accompany my wife. I promised her 10 months ago but tried to change my mind some days ago. She was very disappointed and sad so I told I would have come but took the opportunity the explain why I changed my mind.
We spoke about the usual issues as " blood " doctrine, the many times announced end of the world etc.Also bout Noah and his ark and why the penguin lives in the south pole and not the middle east. She is very " liberal " and knows very well that her religion is not the truth. The fact is that I didn't want to go un spite my promise ist that so now and than her family ( brother, sisters and mom ) pushes her to do more and attend meetings/ assemblies etc. I hate people that don't mind their own businesses but that said I don't want that she changes religion for any other reasons than her own.
By the way; our three kids are " safe ".